Well armed with that question i went to my place of worship and asked my god for the answer. Google sent me to wikipedia (the son of my god). As always the great and mighty wikipedia gave me exactly what i was looking for, " In behavior, normal refers to a lack of significant deviation from the average. The phrase "not normal" is often applied in a negative sense (asserting that someone or some situation is improper, sick, etc.) "A lack of significant deviation from the average" That sounds like a disorder to me. Next question; What is average? Am i to assume that average is the people i encounter on a daily basis? If i was to do that i would have to see average as pretty much anything and everything that a person can feel,do say and act. So its average to be any human emotion or in any condition. The people i see daily range from all walks of life, from all types of social status. They all look different and they act, smell and im guessing taste different. Where does that leave us on this little quest for answers? It is normal to be anything, THATS the norm. I cant see any flaws in my analysis. Humans are emotional creatures. Without emotion we would be so boring that we might as well nuke ourselves off the planet. Harsh i know, but its true. People giggle when i say im normal and dont believe me but its true and i proved it!!!
Fuck it, its time to get naked wet our bodies down and dose ourselves with purple koolaid mix. Meet me in the fountain downtown!! ill see you there.....
I can't agree more. we're all very normal, just have different ways of expressing ourselves, and that's what makes it so interesting. ;)
hehe @ the purple kookaid mix
Beautifully written! Ok so i am heading to sam's club to get the economy sized case of purple kool aid mix....
Great work.
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